Wednesday 23 November 2011

Risk of Snow

I got a laugh out of the weather display by the bus terminus when I was on my way to the ferry this morning. Apparently at 9am this morning it was 22 degrees celsius and snowing!  I knew I should have worn closed shoes instead of my sandals! What was I thinking.....

Saturday 5 November 2011

Picnic in the Park

Today is Picnic in the Park here in DB. Essentially it is an all day music festival with lots of bands playing, kids activities, food and beer. It turned out to be a good day for it, sunny, warm and clear which is nice since earlier in the week they were calling for rain. I must say I am impressed with the various bands. They all sound amazing! What is especially nice is since I am not really a music festival person, the location is such that I can hear them all really well right from my flat! I did check it for a bit in the late afternoon and everyone looked to be having a really good time. 

Hidden Gems

Mr. Grey Cat and I went for a walk up in the hills above DB the other day. It was a lovely day, sunny and warm and not too humid. We walked around the hamlet of Bijou Village and the golf course. It is very tranquil and peaceful up there. On the way back we passed the reservoir and saw this lovely view of DB with the ferry headed out to Central just perfectly framed.