Monday 21 March 2011

Here at Last

I just want to let everyone know that I have arrived safe and sound in Hong Kong. I was very happy to see Ding and snuggle Suzie. She didn't seem care though and ran right by me when I got in the door. Cats! Now I just need to get over the jet lag. I will see if I  can make it until 9 o'clock tonight, but I am not hopeful. I didn't do much today except unpack my two huge bags. Ding and I decided to help keep me awake I needed to get out for a bit so we took a run to Tung Chung, had an early dinner and picked up a few groceries. It is a beautiful day today with a high of about 27 degrees. It wont last though, the next few days are supposed to be in the upper teens. Still...No Snow!

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