Sunday, 26 August 2012

Pink City

I retuned home just before sunset today and was busy putting stuff away when I suddenly noticed the light in the flat looked odd. When I looked up and out my windows I noticed everything had turned pink! I quickly grabbed my new little camera, threw open some windows and grabbed a few shots before the light changed. I have never seen the light like this before. It must have been just the right combination of conditions to create it. It was fairly clear today, but with some haze, there is a typhoon east of us that has given us some winds and clouds and sun was setting. All of them for a few brief minutes combined to give us this:

It lasted a couple of minutes only and it was beautiful! Honestly, this is the real colors. I have not done a thing with the photos and having witnessed it, I can assure you it is not some strange colour cast created in the camera. 

It is too bad the sun sets over the mountains behind me as it must have been quite a sight. I imagine the people that live in Pok Fu Lam must have had an amazing sight! I hope a few of them managed to see it. 

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