Saturday 16 July 2011


I went by the flat the other day to find the workers have been busy! We only just got permission to renovate from management and already most of the demo work has been done. I think demolition is the best part of a renovation (after seeing the completed job). There is nothing like breaking things! The only thing is you have to clean up...

Two views of the living/dining room. The kitchen is not being done and is all wrapped up for protection. 

The office area. Not much being done here except the floors, AC and painting. 

Can you believe this was once a bathroom! It now looks like a medieval room in a castle! 

The guest room. 

We are reusing some fixtures from the bathroom and as you can see the toilet has been relocated to the shower of the master bathroom. 

Two views of the master bedroom. The platform is gone and so is the old marble widow sill. The closets are staying and are taped up. 

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