Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Brommy

 What could it be....
 A bicycle? In a box?
 That looks difficult to ride.
Maybe it is some kind of unicycle?
 But it fits in an elevator, with a friend...
And unfolds to become a Brompton bicycle!

I am glad I did not bring my bike to Hong Kong with us. There really is no storage and it would have been left in out on racks, partially exposed to the weather. But I missed riding but with nowhere to store a bike, what are you to do? The solution is a folding bike. We chose the Bromptons because they fold very compact, can be easily maneuvered when folded, are easily stored in a flat and have great attachments. It is not shown in the picture but there is a basket that folds up and detaches quickly to be used as a shopping bag!


  1. We have the same issue at our place in NYC. The co-op has a storage room but is accessible to everyone in the co-op. We chained our "regular" bikes to a metal post but it still get dirty and dusty as evryone store their stuffs there. We both bought Citizen Bikes from Florida http://www.citizenbike.com/default.asp
    Very well made, we have customed storage bags that fold up into a mini backpack. We can put both bikes in the trunk of our Corolla when we go on a road trip.

  2. Hey Terri
    Interesting bike!!!! Are the gears set up so you don't have to peddle twice as hard for tires half the size?

  3. It is very easy to ride. I thought it would be rather squirrley with those small wheels but it is remarkably steady. There are six gears which seem to be OK with combating the hills hear. We live on one of the highest points of land here, so it is easy to get where we are going, but coming home is rough. I think the problem lies more with my lack of aerobic capacity then any failing in the bike!

  4. Great bike Terri. Do you have to peddle real hard to get those little wheels turning?
